Welcome to Replica Luxury Handbag Shopping

In French, “Replica Luxury Handbag Shopping ” translates to “your luxury”.
That’s what our brand is all about.

Our Story

We established Replica Luxury Handbag Shopping as a way for people to buy and sell premium, authentic designer handbags and accessories. Six years ago, our founder began selling her pre-loved designer handbags, and was met with enthusiasm from friends – some of whom bought the bags, while others added their own designer goods to be sold.

This environmentally conscious way of rehoming luxury items took off, and what started as a hobby is now an officially registered store.

Our Promises

Our initial offering of designer bags has now expanded to include jewellery, accessories, and watches. Each piece goes through a meticulous selection process, so our clients can expect the best labels in reasonably good condition.

We offer a selection of rare vintage and new designer pieces. At Replica Luxury Handbag Shopping , we are proud of our rigorous identification process and responsible attitude – if we’re not 100% sure of an item's authenticity, we won’t accept it for sale.

Over the years, our business has staked our reputation on the quality of our goods and our stellar customer service, and we promise to always uphold these values.

We are grateful for the support of our customers over the years, and hope you will help spread the word about Replica Luxury Handbag Shopping so that we can show others the value of environmentally-friendly luxury.

Our Values

With so many fakes and superfakes flooding our market today, we understand the concern about the authenticity of items when you shop online.

As an intermediary with expertise, Replica Luxury Handbag Shopping offers you 100% Authenticity Guarantee and peace of mind that every piece of item is authenticated by an authenticator with 5+ years of experience. We promise authenticity guaranteed or a full refund.